Ja, ich gebe zu, der Serien-Bezug ist hier eher marginal. Aber zum einen geht es hier ja um die Parodie-Darstellung eines gängigen TV-Formates, zum anderen werden aktuell Tag für Tag abertausende Leute weltweit dank und in „Among Us“ zu Serienkillern (ba-dum-tss!). Jedenfalls hat Laugh Over Life DEM Hype-Spiel des Herbstes eine Real-Adaption vermacht, die das spielerische Raumschiff-Drama auf sehr unterhaltsame Art und Weise erzählt. Hier die bislang erschienenen drei Videos dieser Reihe.
„There is an imposter among us. Our friends have found themselves on an all expense paid trip to mars. Our group has to figure out who on the ship is the murderer, while making sure they are doing their tasks so that their spaceship doesn’t fall out of space. Is red sus? Who is the imposter venting? Who will be murdered? Find out in this week’s episode of Among Us but it’s a reality show.“
Hier zunächst erst noch das Making-of-Video zum Auftakt, darunter gibt es die beiden weiteren bisherigen Episoden der „Among Us Reality Show“.
„Behind the scenes on Among Us: Reality TV. See how we survived in space in style, even though there was an imposter and he was kinda sus. Especially red.“
„There are two imposters among us. After lots of band-aids and medbay visits, our friends are back and better than ever, have once again found themselves in the dark and lonely confines of space with nothing but their spaceship and crewmates. Our group has to figure out who on the ship are murderers, while making sure they are doing their tasks so that their spaceship doesn’t continue to barrel roll. Is red sus or is blue? Who is the imposter venting to kill? Who will be murdered, and will the body be found? Find out in this week’s second episode of Among Us but it’s a reality show (still).“
„There are two imposters among us again. After lots of band-aids and medbay visits, our friends are back and better than ever, and as usual are hurling through the dark and unforgiving spacescape with nothing but their tiny brains and a maddening amount of terrible arguments. Our group has to figure out who on the ship are murderers, while making sure they are doing their tasks so that their spaceship doesn’t continue its forward frontflipping momentum. Is red sus or is blue? Who should we vote out? Which player is the imposter venting to kill? Will people be murdered by the imposter or by their beloved crewmates? Find out in this week’s third episode of Among Us but it’s a reality show.“