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McPoyle v. Ponderosa (Bird Law!)

Arzt schaut die Gerichtsfolge aus „It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia“

27. November 2018, 13:50 Uhr

„Charlie, Dennis, Mac, and Frank get involved with Bill Ponderosa, a defendant in a civil suit for putting bath salts in the milk at Liam McPoyle’s wedding to his sister Maureen. Liam McPoyle teams up with The Lawyer to sue Bill Ponderosa for his lost eye; old grievances resurface. At the climax, Charlie tries to cross examine Royal McPoyle, the McPoyle family’s bloodthirsty pet Pocono Swallow. Uncle Jack. The Lawyer. Bill and Maureen Ponderosa. The entire McPoyle clan. Bird law. McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY“

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Dienstag, 27. November 2018, 13:50 Uhr
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
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