Dass „Breaking Bad“ eine der wohl durchdachtesten Serien aller Zeiten sein dürfte, ist uns allen klar. ScreenCrush hat sich jetzt in einem Video Essay dem Einsatz von Farben in der Inszenierung angenommen. Da wird natürlich in guter alter Deutsch-Unterricht-Manier etliches hinein interpretiert, was vielleicht niemals so bedacht war, aber Sinn ergibt es schon alles irgendwie.
„Breaking Bad is celebrated for its sharply defined characters, symbolism, and exquisite writing. But this is also a story that is told with color. Nothing you see in Breaking Bad is an accident. Every piece of clothing, the colors of the backgrounds, the props–all of them work together to tell a single, cohesive story. Every color in the show has a symbolic meaning, every character is associated with a color, and their relationships in the show are even defined by their position on the color wheel.“