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Mylo the Cat did it again

Miss Piggy singt „Diamonds“ von Rihanna

28. März 2018, 19:51 Uhr

„Mashup of Miss Piggy singing “Diamonds” by Rihanna. Video by Mylo the Cat aka isthishowyougoviral aka Adam Schleichkorn. A couple years ago, I made that BBHMM/Miss Piggy mashup for NY Magazine, and since enough time has now passed, I felt like it was time for another! I haven’t had an actual viral video for a while, which greatly slows down my production rate, but based on the comments, people still want to watch these things, so I’m going to keep making them.“

via: testspiel

Beitrag von:
Mittwoch, 28. März 2018, 19:51 Uhr
MusikThe Muppets
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