Wer bereits Spaß daran hatte, Tuco Salamance in „Squid Game“ zu sehen zu bekommen, hat Glück: Alternative Cuts hat in einem neuen Video gleich etliche weitere Charaktere des „Breaking Bad“-Franchises in die morbide Spielrunde des Netflix-Dramas versetzt. Ein sehr unterhaltsamer Serien-Verschnitt, der uns ein unverhofft gut passendes Crossover liefert.
„Dudes, I don’t want to hear that I forgot a character or a scene 😂 I already spent over a week longer than planned trying to fit in as many characters as possible. Believe me, I couldn’t have fit any more characters in because I was limited by things like the camera angles in this scene and making sure the scenes matched the music (which I cut a lot, but in a way that sounds seamless).“