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INFO: In unserem „sAWEntskalender“ 2018 gibt es jeden Tag ein Türchen mit den tollsten Zitaten einer Serie – und tolle Preise zu gewinnen. In jedem Türchen KANN ein Buchstabe versteckt sein, den es zu finden gilt, um ein Lösungswort zu bilden. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Buchstabensuchen!

Nach den heldenhaften Zitaten aus „Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.“ gestern, geht es heute wieder amüsanter zu. Ich kredenze euch die lustigsten Sprüche der durchgeknallten Familie BluTh aus „Arrested Development“. Darin übernimmt Michael Bluth das Familienunternehmen, nachdem sein Vater wegen Anlagenbetrugs in den Knast wandern musste. Während alle Familienmitglieder weiterhin ihrem luxuriösen Lebensstil weiter frönen, versucht Michael Chef und Familienoberhaupt zugleich zu sein. Aberwitzige Charakter und eine unheimliche Dichte an Gags, machen für mich die Serie zu einer der witzigsten überhaupt.


Michael ist vermutlich der einzig Vernünftige in der Familie. Sein Bruder George Oscar Bluth, kurz GOB, strebt eine Karriere als professioneller Zauberer an und raubt Michael den letzten Nerv.


„They’re going to keep Dad in jail until this whole thing gets sorted out. [silence amongst the family] Also, I’ve been told that the company’s expense accounts have been frozen… [everyone gasps] … Interesting. I would have expected that after ‚They’re keeping Dad in jail‘.“ (Michael)

„Tell me the truth. There’s been a lot of lying in this family.“ – „And a lot of love.“ – „More lies.“ (Michael & Lucille)

„Michael, I’m your big brother. I’ll never be impressed with you.“ (GOB)

„I’m filling Dad’s shoes, now, Michael. Literally. Well, the shoes didn’t fit but at least I got into Dad’s pants. And I also had to have the crotch taken up a little.“ (GOB)

„My mom is very stressed out, and she needs something I can’t give her, um… maybe a little ‚afternoon delight‘. – [Narrator]: „Oscar thought that Michael was referring to a particular brand of cannabis named Afternoon Deelite, a strain famous for slowing behavior.“ – „Well sure, my question is, which way do I try to get it in her?“ – „I don’t need any details.“ – „Maybe I’ll put it in her brownie.“ – „Hey.“ (Michael & Oscar)

„Where did you get that outfit?“ – „Mom gave it to me. I guess she wanted me to have something new. Sweet old thing.“ – „Only two of those words describe mom, so I know you’re lying to me.“ – „Okay fine. I bought it before we went broke. I just haven’t worn it until now.“ – „Uh huh. And the outfit yesterday?“ – „Old Thing gave it to me.“ (Michael & Lindsay)

Tobias Fünke

Tobias ist Michaels Schwager. Der gelernte Therapeut hat seine Profession aufgegeben, weil er viel lieber Schauspieler werden möchte. Ihn zeichnen vor allem seine zweideutigen Anmerkungen aus und die Tatsache, dass er ein Niemalsnackter ist.

„Tobias was a never nude, which is exactly what it sounds like.“ (Narrator)


Seine Ehe mit Lindsay läuft leider nicht sonderlich gut.

„Come on, Lindsay. We’ve had some great times. [a white screen appears with text reading: ‚Footage not found‘]“ (Tobias)

„Okay, who’d like a banger in the mouth? Right, I forgot, here in the States, you call it a *sausage* in the mouth.“ (Tobias as Mrs. Featherbottom)

„Michael, you are quite the cupid. You can stick an arrow in my buttocks any time.“ (Tobias)

„Are you going to actually buy something this time, or are you just curious?“ – „Well, let’s just say that I’m buy-curious.“ (Store Clerk & Tobias)

„There are very few intelligent, attractive and straight men in this town.“ – „Well, that leaves me out … she did say single, right? I-I-I thought she said single.“ (Publicist & Tobias)

Maebe und George Michael

Michaels Sohn und seine Nichte hegen ein ganz besonderes Verhältnis zueinander. Denn George Michael ist heimlich in Maebe verknallt.

„You and I are so different. It’s like we’re not even related.“ – „That would be amazing.“ (Maebe & George)

„Oh, my God. It’s your mom and Gangie.“ – „What are they doing here?“ – „They’re adults. They’re allowed to have fun whenever they want. We’re kids, we’re supposed to work.“ (George & Maebe)

„Do you guys know where I could get one of those gold T-shaped pendants?“ – „That’s a cross.“ – “ Across from where?“ (Maebe & Michael)

„I hate to say it, but Michael might be right. You need to learn a little discipline.“ – „Hmm. Nope. That doesn’t feel right.“ – „No, no, no. I am telling you. You are now punished. I punish thee.“ – „Are you serious? What could you possibly come up with that would punish me?“ – „Oh, I have to come up with another thing?“ (Lindsay & Maebe)


Die Stimme aus dem Off in „Arrested Development“ gehört Filmemacher Ron Howard. Seine Bemerkungen verdeutlichen immer den Irrsinn der Bluth Familie.

„So the speech was disturbing, the food was inedible, and the gift bags pretty frightening. And when GOB found out that he wasn’t going to get any tips, the service got worse. Oh and that old racist woman choked on Buster’s thumb. All in all it was one of the Bluth’s better parties.“ (Narrator)

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Bilder: Netflix

Türchen #16

Türchen #18

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Montag, 17. Dezember 2018, 08:10 Uhr
Arrested Development
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